OMI Products
Once Through Steam Generators (OTSG'S)
25, 50 and 100 MMBTU/hr. Forced circulation type (OTSG's) designed to supply wet, saturated, or superheated steam discharge conditions.
Once Trough Heat Recovery Steam Generators (OTHRSG)
Designed for continuous operation in conjunction with a single gas turbine, with an operating life of 30 years
DAN-STM Steam Quality & Mass Flow Measurement
Highly mobile unit allows for more frequent testing and provides lower capital cost vs. conventional automatic test facilities.
DAN-SQUID 2-Phase Steam Distribution Systems
When used in conjunction with DAN-STM, the package provides total capacity to accurately distribute, measure and control injected heat
Free Water Knockout Drum (FWKO)
A Free water knock out skid gives the incoming mixture of oil and free water time to separate.
Process Sampling and Quality Analyzer Buildings
OMI quality analyzer enclosed buildings are provided with appropriate ventilation, gas content alarm, and fire detectors.
Portable Multiphase Well Test Systems
Designed for easy deployment, OMI manufactures a full range of trailer mounted well test systems for remote locations.
Pipeline Pressure Reduction Systems
OMI pressure reduction systems consist of at least two trains of pressure reduction – one operating and the other standby.
OMI Major Projects
Oman Metal Industries provided the engineering, manufacture, installation and commissioning of seventy eight, 100 MMBTU/Hr. Once Through Steam Generators (OTSG), for the Mukhaizna Steam Flood Project. Designed to provide 99.95% separation efficiency, the control system automatically adjusts the fuel – water ratio parameter to keep steam quality at 80% at all operating levels.
To increase steam production capacity by over 2000 tons per day, Four 50 MMBTU/Hr. Once Through Steam Generators were dismantled and relocated from Fahud to Amal. Following renovation, recertification, control upgrade at OMI’s Muscat facility, the steam generators were transported 1062 kilometers to the Amal Field for final installation and commissioning.
OMI Received a contract for the design, fabrication, delivery and installation of eleven 100 MMBTU/Hr. Once Through Steam Generators (OTHRSG’s) to supply electrical power and steam generation for a heavy oil plant at Mukhaizna. The (OTHRSG’s) were water-tube type suitable for continuous operation in conjunction with a single gas turbine, fueled solely by natural gas and designed for minimum operating attention and maintenance with a useful operating life of 30 years.